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Filter by subject: Introduction_to_Art, Introduction_to_Art, MetMuseum, MetMuseum, MetMuseum, MetMuseum, MetMuseum, Chess, Chess, Chess, Early_Logic, English, English, English, Geography/History, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, OLSAT_(G&T), OLSAT_(G&T), Russian, Russian, Russian_as_Second_Language, Chess_MidlandBeach, Chess_MidlandBeach, English_Huguenot, English_Huguenot, English_MidlandBeach, Math, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Russian, Russian_CSI, Russian_CSI, Russian_CSI, Art, Chess, Chess, Chess, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, Mark_Twain_Science, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, OLSAT_(G&T), OLSAT_(G&T), Russian, SHSAT_Practice_Tests, SHSAT_Practice_Tests_MidlandBeach, Chess, Chess, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, Mark_Twain_Practice_Tests, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, OLSAT_NNAT2_Gifted&Talented, OLSAT_NNAT2_Gifted&Talented, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Science, SHSAT_Practice_Tests, Math, Math, Math, Math, OLSAT_(G&T), OLSAT_(G&T), Chess, Chess, Chess, Math, Russian, Speech, Art_and_Art_History_Gr6-7_Mon_3-00_4-00, Art_Mondays_5-6pm, Art_Thursdays_5-6pm, Chess_Beginners, Chess_Inter_I, Chess_Inter_II, Creative_Writing, Creative_Writing, Dance_Movement, Introduction_to_Art, Math, Math, Math_I, Math_II, Math_III, Math_IV, Mommy_and_Me_Art, Mommy_and_Me_Art, Mommy_and_Me_Music, Mommy_and_Me_Music, Reading_Comprehension, Russian, Russian_as_Second_Language, Russian_as_Second_Language_Adults, Afterschool_Chess, Afterschool_Chess, Afterschool_Chess, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art_Art_History, Art_Art_History, Art_Art_History, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Creative_Writing, Creative_Writing, Creative_Writing, Dance, Dance_Movement, Dance_Movement, Drop_off, Drop_off, Early_Logic, Early_Logic, Early_Logic, English, English, English, English, English, Extra, Introduction_to_Art, Introduction_to_Art, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Mommy_and_Me_Art, Mommy_and_Me_Art, Mommy_and_Me_Music, Mommy_and_Me_Music, Mommy_and_Me_Music, Mommy_and_Me_Music, Music, Music, Music, Music, Music_Appreciation, Piano, Piano, Pre-K_Enrichment, Pre-K_Enrichment, Reading_Comprehension, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian_Chorus, Russian_Drama, Russian_Drama, Speech, Swimming, Ukranian_Language, Ukranian_Language, Ukranian_Language, 3-4y.o., 4-5y.o., 4-5y.o., Art, Art, Art, Art, English, English, Extra, French, French, French, French, Italian, Italian, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, 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Music, Music, Music, Music, Music_Appreciation, Physics, Physics, Physics, Physics, Programming_And_Imagination, Programming_And_Imagination, Programming_And_Imagination, Programming_And_Imagination, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian_as_Second_Language, Russian_as_Second_Language, Russian_as_Second_Language, Science, Science, Science, Science, SHSAT_Practice_Tests, SHSAT_Practice_Tests, SHSAT_Practice_Tests, Singing, Singing, Tests_preparation, Tests_preparation, Yoga, Yoga, Afterschool_Art, Afterschool_Art, Afterschool_Chess, Art, Art, Art, Art, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Early_Logic, English, English, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian_as_Second_Language, Art, Chess, Chess, Math, Math, Math, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian_Drama, English_CSI, English_CSI, Afterschool_Art, Afterschool_Art, Afterschool_Chess, Algorithmica, Algorithmica, Algorithmica, Algorithmica, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Dance, Dance, Drop_off, Drop_off, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, Extra, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Photography, Physical_Education, Programming_And_Imagination, Programming_And_Imagination, Programming_And_Imagination, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, 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  class   grade   time   teacher   description
   Math 6 b      6    8:45-10:15 Su    Mary Marvin      Who may join Math 6 class at this time?
The class will be helpful for a student currently in a 6th grade math class in his/her regular school, and whose parents want extra support in his or her math studies at this difficult time.

Math 6 covers all material of a 6th grade class in a child’s regular school, including things he must know for the NJSLA test at the end of 6th Grade.

At this point in the school year, students should be able to work with the topics of ratio, percentage, distance-rate-time problems at a deeper level, and should have knowledge of fractions and decimals up to division – working with several different denominators and 2 or 3 step problems involving these topics. They should also be familiar with volumes of rectangular solids, more intricate area/perimeter problems, and angles of a triangle and in quadrilaterals. Simple use of variables and equations and beginning work on integers (+/-) is helpful. Children should also have seen numerous word problems on these topics over the school year.

All of the above will be reviewed throughout the rest of the semester, along with any new topics in the 6th grade math curriculum.

At SchoolPlus, we believe that children are happiest and perform better on tests when they have a real understanding of the topic at hand, and not just superficial knowledge that comes from rote practice.

We’ll use this period we now have, to make sure kids do understand these topics, so that they can complete the math part of their school year successfully.

   Math 5 Sat      6    12:45-2:15    Dr. Orlov       
   Math 6      7    9:30-11:00    Dr. Orlov      The Virtual Math curriculum is fully aligned with the Common Core Standards for Middle Schools. The SchoolPlus Virtual Math lessons for the middle school students emphasize problem-solving and empowering students to think mathematically.
The small size class is a great place for sharing and learning tips, demonstrating how to solve problems, and asking questions.
The virtual class activities and homework exercises include:
• Basic Practice: Simple questions that drill the comprehension of concepts
• Further Practice: More challenging questions that involve direct application
• Challenging Practice: Questions that require synthesis
• Questions that apply mathematical concepts to real-world situations
• Enrichment: Questions involving higher-order thinking or an open-ended approach to problems including the problems with a competition level of difficulty. 
   Math 7      8    11:10-12:40 Sa    Dr. Orlov      The Virtual Math curriculum is fully aligned with the Common Core Standards for Middle Schools. The SchoolPlus Virtual Math lessons for the middle school students emphasize problem-solving and empowering students to think mathematically.
The small size class is a great place for sharing and learning tips, demonstrating how to solve problems, and asking questions.
The virtual class activities and homework exercises include:
• Basic Practice: Simple questions that drill the comprehension of concepts
• Further Practice: More challenging questions that involve direct application
• Challenging Practice: Questions that require synthesis
• Questions that apply mathematical concepts to real-world situations
• Enrichment: Questions involving higher-order thinking or an open-ended approach to problems including the problems with a competition level of difficulty. 
   Architecture4Kids 3      7-8    10:40 -- 11:25    Greg Gurevich      Spring\'20

This STEM-oriented class aims to help students understand the different elements involved in designing and constructing our \"built environment\". We will continue learning about architects who have played an important role in the development of architecture and explore significant buildings. Students will apply basic calculations to design, draft and construct their projects and learn to present them to the class. There will be an emphasis on 3-dimensional thinking, design, scale, context, and building using various materials. Examples of projects include designing the building frame, facade, calculating the area and zoning of a building. 
   English 6      5-6    9:50 - 10:35    Aidan O Connor      Spring\'20

ELA 6 will be a reading and writing enhancement course based on the sixth-grade level. The class may also be feasible for advanced 5th-grade students.

The Reading aspect of the course will be roughly 1/3 non-fiction material and 2/3 fiction material. It will focus on building advanced comprehension skills such as identifying motifs, arguments, theses, and the author\'s inspirations and goals. The class will also prepare students for the 6th grade State ELA Exam with test strategies, explanation of the exam, and practice. The writing aspect of the course will split its focus between persuasive, fact-based writing and creative, personal-based writing. The class will also feature a small amount of grammar.

Assignments will include persuasive essays, personal essays, literary-response essays, and poetry. The first half of the course will lean towards persuasive, fact-based writing (research papers, persuasive writing), the class will then send some time prepping for the State Exam in April and then will move to more creative processes in the tail end of the course.

Expect ~1 hour of homework per week, mostly writing based. Feel free to contact me with any questions about the course. 
   Geography/History 1      5-7    11:30 - 12:30    Antonina Lifshits      Spring\'20

This class will continue for the most part looking at the history of the world
chronologically, starting from the period of the late 18 th century onwards. We will start
with the subjects of American and French revolutions and continue onto the history of
the 19 th century.

We shall, however, also re-trace our steps and go back to the history
of China, India, Japan and other non-European countries in 16-18 th century and some
other parts of the world.

The students will be offered to do their own presentations on historical figures or
events. However, this year I would also like to incorporate in our classes a light version
of the book club/debate units and have some more candid discussions of issues, rather then just interesting facts. 
   Math 6B US      6-7    10:40 -- 12:10    Svetlana Fadeeva      Spring\'20

Please click on the link below to review the content of the textbook:

Primary Math Textbook 6B US 
   Math 7      6-7    9:00 -- 10:30    Svetlana Fadeeva      Spring\'20

Please click on the link below to review the content of the textbook:

New Elementary Textbook 1 
   Math 8      8    9:00 -- 10:30    Edward Moubarak      Spring\'20

Please click on the link below to review the content of the textbook:

New Elementary Mathematics. Syllabus D2

   Math 8-1      7    9:00 - 10:30    Liudmila Bakunets      Spring\'20

Please click on the link below to review the content of the textbook:

New Elementary Mathematics Syllabus D 2 
   Math 9      9    12:15- 1:45    Liudmila Bakunets      Spring\'20

Geometry (Fall semester)
Angles. Triangles. Quadrilaterals. Polygons. Area. Circles. Coordinate Method. Three Dimensional Geometry. Transformations.

Algebra (Spring semester)
Exponents and Logarithms. Complex Numbers. Linear Equations. Proportions. Integers. Special Factorizations and Clever Manipulations. Inequalities. Operations and Relations. Sequences and Series. Counting. Probability. Sets. Proofs. 
   Russian 5/6      5-6    1:10 -- 1:55    Nadezhda Zhavoronkina      Spring\'20

The curriculum of this class is best fitted for emerging readers.
We will continue reading, retelling and discussing simple (but meaningful) stories, learn poems by heart and get acquainted with rich possibilities of Russian idioms.

The focus of the class, however, will be on writing and basic grammar.
This class will reinforce reading skills, enrich vocabulary, as well as encourage our students to express their thoughts and observations correctly and coherently. 
   Russian 6/7      6-7    2:00 - 2:45    Nadezhda Zhavoronkina      Spring\'20

This course is designed for sixth/seventh grades bilingual students with a
strong foundation in Russian. It aims to increase students\' reading and
speaking proficiency to an advanced level.

Students will continue studying Russian orthography. During this
semester, they will practice writing paragraphs and short stories.

Exercises will develop the child\'s active and passive vocabulary. 
Regular homework will include reading short stories, composing and
answering questions, performing simple grammar exercises and
memorizing pieces of poetry to complement language proficiency.

The exposure to and study of contemporary and classical literature will
continue complementing the technical aspects of the course, thereby
developing students\' knowledge and understanding of Russian culture. 
   Russian 6/7-1      6-7    8:25 -- 8:55    Nadezhda Zhavoronkina      Spring\'20

This course is designed for sixth/seventh grades bilingual students with a
strong foundation in Russian. It aims to increase students\' reading and
speaking proficiency to an advanced level.

Students will continue studying Russian orthography. During this
semester, they will practice writing paragraphs and short stories.

Exercises will develop the child\'s active and passive vocabulary.
Regular homework will include reading short stories, composing and
answering questions, performing simple grammar exercises and
memorizing pieces of poetry to complement language proficiency.

The exposure to and study of contemporary and classical literature will
continue complementing the technical aspects of the course, thereby
developing students\' knowledge and understanding of Russian culture. 
   SHSAT_Practice_Tests 20 New      7    10:40 - 12:40    Aidan O Connor      Spring\'20

The curriculum includes complete topics coverage as well as systematic SHSAT preparation. The primary goal of the course is to make sure that students have academic knowledge of Math and ELA and the skills needed to succeed on the exam. Students will both study the curriculum knowledge necessary to succeed on the exam but will also study and practice key test taking strategies that have been proven to increase children\'s scores.

The course also provides (abbreviated) practice exams periodically (5 in total) in order to assess your child\'s performance and growth. The course also provides a brief introduction to the schools that are available to get into as well as educates students on how the SHSAT scoring works and personally customized ideas on what are the best ways to improve your overall score.

The course includes:

-Vital practice questions that cover all tested material
-Proven score-raising strategies with an emphasis on improving math and verbal skills
-25 important math subjects/concepts covered on the exam
-Practice Reading Comprehension passages (non-fiction, literary, and poetry).
-Full-length practice tests and the most up-to-date information about the test 
   SHSAT_Practice_Tests 20-1      7    2:30 -- 4:30    Aidan O Connor      Spring\'20

The curriculum includes complete topics coverage as well as systematic SHSAT preparation. The primary goal of the course is to make sure that students have an academic knowledge of Math and ELA and the skills needed to succeed on the exam. Students will both study the curriculum knowledge necessary to succeed on the exam but will also study and practice key test taking strategies that have been proven to increase children\'s scores.

The course also provides (abbreviated) practice exams periodically (5 in total) in order to assess your child\'s performance and growth. The course also provides a brief introduction to the schools that are available to get into as well as educates students on how the SHSAT scoring works and personally customized ideas on what are the best ways to improve your overall score.

The course includes:

-Vital practice questions that cover all tested material
-Proven score-raising strategies with an emphasis on improving math and verbal skills
-25 important math subjects/concepts covered on the exam
-Practice Reading Comprehension passages (non-fiction, literary, and poetry).
-Full-length practice tests and the most up-to-date information about the test 
   Math Math - 6      6    12:30 - 13:30    Dr. Grigory Portnov      At this level, math students need to know and really understand basic laws and rules of algebra. This program teaches the algebraic rules from the simplest to more advanced, formulas and applications. The program includes many types of word problems and shows how they can be solved. Besides Algebra, the program includes several enrichment topics such as Mathematical Induction, Combinatorics, Logic games, Fibonacci sequence.. Students learn to use logical reasoning, systematic approaches to problem solving, calculations and algebraic transformations. This class also prepares students for the admission tests into the selective High Schools.

This program is targeted to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and is aligned with Focal points of Standards suggested by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
This class also prepares students for the admission tests to the selective High Schools. 
   Math Math-7      7    18:00 - 19:00    Dr. Grigory Portnov      The main goal of our classes for the Middle School grades is to make sure that at this level, math students know and really understand basic laws and rules of Algebra. Besides Algebra, the program includes several advanced topics, such as Mathematical Induction, Combinatorics, Logical games, Fibonacci sequence. Students are expected to use basics of Algebra and Geometry effectively in different situations, starting with taking multiple-choice tests, where everything should be done quickly, and ending with solving complicated problems from Math Olympiads, that require a non-routine approach and creative thinking.

SchoolPlus test preparation classes differ from other test preparation programs. Students not only master test-taking techniques, but also study Mathematics as a subject. Without good understanding of math concepts and how they are interconnected, improvement of their score beyond a certain point becomes impossible. In our opinion, the serious and systematic studying of Mathematics is the only way to achieve a high score.

This program for upper middle school is targeted to 7th and 8th grade students and is aligned with Focal points of Standards suggested by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). This class also prepares students for the admission tests to the selective High Schools. 
   English 4a      5/6    Mo 5:00-6:00    Elizabeth Breau      Greek Mythology (grades 5-6)

Greek mythology has had a tremendous influence on our culture. It appears in our language, our science, and our stories. References to Greek myths and the gods and goddesses who populate them act as a kind of cultural shorthand that all well-educated people are expected to know. We will explore what these stories have to teach us about good and evil, virtue and vice, human nature, family relationships, and why it’s always a good idea to listen to the instructions.

In addition to the texts listed below, we will supplement our learning with a variety of online resources. Students will be asked to read, discuss, and write about the myths they read and to explore their ongoing importance in today’s world.

Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods, by Rick Riordan

My Ancient Greek Activity Book (free download) file:///C:/Users/EndUser/Desktop/ancient_greece_activity_booklet.pdf 
   English Writing 7      7-8    Fri 6:00-7:00    Lane Lawrence      Intensive Writing
This course will have weekly writing assignments and some review of the basic tenets of writing. There also be advanced vocabulary studies and an expectation for the students to use the vocabulary in their writing. The advantages that summer study grants the student is that in the Fall, the student will be advanced from their peers, and prepared for the PSAT, SAT, ACT and other writing tests. All assignments submitted will be reviewed and returned promptly, for possible re-submission 
   Geography 5/6 gr      5/6    Mo 6:15-7:15    Roman Kharchuk       
   Latin 5/6              Dr. Michael Meerson       
   Math 6 a      6    Sat 9:30-11:00    Dr. Orlov      The Virtual Math curriculum is fully aligned with the Common Core Standards for Middle Schools. The SchoolPlus Virtual Math lessons for the middle school students emphasize problem-solving and empowering students to think mathematically.
The small size class is a great place for sharing and learning tips, demonstrating how to solve problems, and asking questions.
The virtual class activities and homework exercises include:
• Basic Practice: Simple questions that drill the comprehension of concepts
• Further Practice: More challenging questions that involve direct application
• Challenging Practice: Questions that require synthesis
• Questions that apply mathematical concepts to real-world situations
• Enrichment: Questions involving higher-order thinking or an open-ended approach to problems including the problems with a competition level of difficulty. 
   Math 6 b      6    Su 8:45-10:15    Mary Marvin      Who may join Math 6 class at this time?
The class will be helpful for a student currently in a 6th grade math class in his/her regular school, and whose parents want extra support in his or her math studies at this difficult time.

Math 6 covers all material of a 6th grade class in a child’s regular school, including things he must know for the NJSLA test at the end of 6th Grade.

At this point in the school year, students should be able to work with the topics of ratio, percentage, distance-rate-time problems at a deeper level, and should have knowledge of fractions and decimals up to division – working with several different denominators and 2 or 3 step problems involving these topics. They should also be familiar with volumes of rectangular solids, more intricate area/perimeter problems, and angles of a triangle and in quadrilaterals. Simple use of variables and equations and beginning work on integers (+/-) is helpful. Children should also have seen numerous word problems on these topics over the school year.

All of the above will be reviewed throughout the rest of the semester, along with any new topics in the 6th grade math curriculum.

At SchoolPlus, we believe that children are happiest and perform better on tests when they have a real understanding of the topic at hand, and not just superficial knowledge that comes from rote practice.

We’ll use this period we now have, to make sure kids do understand these topics, so that they can complete the math part of their school year successfully.

   Math 7      7    Sa 11:10-12:40    Dr. Orlov      The Virtual Math curriculum is fully aligned with the Common Core Standards for Middle Schools. The SchoolPlus Virtual Math lessons for the middle school students emphasize problem-solving and empowering students to think mathematically.
The small size class is a great place for sharing and learning tips, demonstrating how to solve problems, and asking questions.
The virtual class activities and homework exercises include:
• Basic Practice: Simple questions that drill the comprehension of concepts
• Further Practice: More challenging questions that involve direct application
• Challenging Practice: Questions that require synthesis
• Questions that apply mathematical concepts to real-world situations
• Enrichment: Questions involving higher-order thinking or an open-ended approach to problems including the problems with a competition level of difficulty. 
   Math 8 b          Sa 12:45-2:15    Dr. Orlov      The Virtual Math curriculum is fully aligned with the Common Core Standards for Middle Schools. The SchoolPlus Virtual Math lessons for the middle school students emphasize problem-solving and empowering students to think mathematically.
The small size class is a great place for sharing and learning tips, demonstrating how to solve problems, and asking questions.
The virtual class activities and homework exercises include:
• Basic Practice: Simple questions that drill the comprehension of concepts
• Further Practice: More challenging questions that involve direct application
• Challenging Practice: Questions that require synthesis
• Questions that apply mathematical concepts to real-world situations
• Enrichment: Questions involving higher-order thinking or an open-ended approach to problems including the problems with a competition level of difficulty. 
   Math new 6 sat          tba    Dr. Orlov       
   MathClub Summer mat              Dr. Orlov       
   Physics 5/6 gr      5/6    Wed 6:15-7:15    Irene Ning       


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