
New Jersey (Teaneck, NB, Wayne)
New York (Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island)


CLASS Math 6 b
TEACHER Mary Marvin  
TIME 8:45-10:15 Su
LOCATION New Jersey (Teaneck, NB, Wayne)  
TEXTBOOKS Primary Mathematics Workbook 6A and Textbook 6A
Challenging Word Problems (6)
Pre-Algebra Practice Workbook
Subject Math
PROGRAM Who may join Math 6 class at this time?
The class will be helpful for a student currently in a 6th grade math class in his/her regular school, and whose parents want extra support in his or her math studies at this difficult time.

Math 6 covers all material of a 6th grade class in a child’s regular school, including things he must know for the NJSLA test at the end of 6th Grade.

At this point in the school year, students should be able to work with the topics of ratio, percentage, distance-rate-time problems at a deeper level, and should have knowledge of fractions and decimals up to division – working with several different denominators and 2 or 3 step problems involving these topics. They should also be familiar with volumes of rectangular solids, more intricate area/perimeter problems, and angles of a triangle and in quadrilaterals. Simple use of variables and equations and beginning work on integers (+/-) is helpful. Children should also have seen numerous word problems on these topics over the school year.

All of the above will be reviewed throughout the rest of the semester, along with any new topics in the 6th grade math curriculum.

At SchoolPlus, we believe that children are happiest and perform better on tests when they have a real understanding of the topic at hand, and not just superficial knowledge that comes from rote practice.

We’ll use this period we now have, to make sure kids do understand these topics, so that they can complete the math part of their school year successfully.

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