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Filter by subject: Introduction_to_Art, Introduction_to_Art, MetMuseum, MetMuseum, MetMuseum, MetMuseum, MetMuseum, Chess, Chess, Chess, Early_Logic, English, English, English, Geography/History, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, OLSAT_(G&T), OLSAT_(G&T), Russian, Russian, Russian_as_Second_Language, Chess_MidlandBeach, Chess_MidlandBeach, English_Huguenot, English_Huguenot, English_MidlandBeach, Math, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Russian, Russian_CSI, Russian_CSI, Russian_CSI, Art, Chess, Chess, Chess, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, Mark_Twain_Science, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, OLSAT_(G&T), OLSAT_(G&T), Russian, SHSAT_Practice_Tests, SHSAT_Practice_Tests_MidlandBeach, Chess, Chess, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, Mark_Twain_Practice_Tests, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, OLSAT_NNAT2_Gifted&Talented, OLSAT_NNAT2_Gifted&Talented, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Science, SHSAT_Practice_Tests, Math, Math, Math, Math, OLSAT_(G&T), OLSAT_(G&T), Chess, Chess, Chess, Math, Russian, Speech, Art_and_Art_History_Gr6-7_Mon_3-00_4-00, Art_Mondays_5-6pm, Art_Thursdays_5-6pm, Chess_Beginners, Chess_Inter_I, Chess_Inter_II, Creative_Writing, Creative_Writing, Dance_Movement, Introduction_to_Art, Math, Math, Math_I, Math_II, Math_III, Math_IV, Mommy_and_Me_Art, Mommy_and_Me_Art, Mommy_and_Me_Music, Mommy_and_Me_Music, Reading_Comprehension, Russian, Russian_as_Second_Language, Russian_as_Second_Language_Adults, Afterschool_Chess, Afterschool_Chess, Afterschool_Chess, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art_Art_History, Art_Art_History, Art_Art_History, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Creative_Writing, Creative_Writing, Creative_Writing, Dance, Dance_Movement, Dance_Movement, Drop_off, Drop_off, Early_Logic, Early_Logic, Early_Logic, English, English, English, English, English, Extra, Introduction_to_Art, Introduction_to_Art, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Mommy_and_Me_Art, Mommy_and_Me_Art, Mommy_and_Me_Music, Mommy_and_Me_Music, Mommy_and_Me_Music, Mommy_and_Me_Music, Music, Music, Music, Music, Music_Appreciation, Piano, Piano, Pre-K_Enrichment, Pre-K_Enrichment, Reading_Comprehension, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian_Chorus, Russian_Drama, Russian_Drama, Speech, Swimming, Ukranian_Language, Ukranian_Language, Ukranian_Language, 3-4y.o., 4-5y.o., 4-5y.o., Art, Art, Art, Art, English, English, Extra, French, French, French, French, Italian, Italian, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, 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Music, Music, Music, Music, Music_Appreciation, Physics, Physics, Physics, Physics, Programming_And_Imagination, Programming_And_Imagination, Programming_And_Imagination, Programming_And_Imagination, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian_as_Second_Language, Russian_as_Second_Language, Russian_as_Second_Language, Science, Science, Science, Science, SHSAT_Practice_Tests, SHSAT_Practice_Tests, SHSAT_Practice_Tests, Singing, Singing, Tests_preparation, Tests_preparation, Yoga, Yoga, Afterschool_Art, Afterschool_Art, Afterschool_Chess, Art, Art, Art, Art, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Early_Logic, English, English, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian_as_Second_Language, Art, Chess, Chess, Math, Math, Math, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian_Drama, English_CSI, English_CSI, Afterschool_Art, Afterschool_Art, Afterschool_Chess, Algorithmica, Algorithmica, Algorithmica, Algorithmica, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Art, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Chess, Dance, Dance, Drop_off, Drop_off, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, Extra, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Photography, Physical_Education, Programming_And_Imagination, Programming_And_Imagination, Programming_And_Imagination, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, 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Music, Music, Music, Music_Improvisation, Music_Improvisation, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian, Russian_Chorus, Russian_Drama, Russian_Drama, Math, Math, Russian, Russian, Afterschool_Chess, Afterschool_Chess, Afterschool_Chess, Afterschool_Chess, Afterschool_Chess, Art_CSI, Art_CSI, Chess, Chess, Chess, Creative_Writing, Creative_Writing, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English, English_CSI, English_CSI, English_CSI, English_CSI, English_CSI, English_CSI, English_CSI, English_Huguenot, English_MidlandBeach, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_CSI, Math_MidlandBeach, MetMuseum, 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  class   grade   time   teacher   description
   Chess Level 2          Su 10:25-11:10    N. M. Karakashyan      Prerequisites:
- at least 1-2 semesters of studying chess in School Plus or any other similar chess program

Description of program for this semester:
The course focuses on:
- The principles of various openings
- Best practices of attacks and checkmating patterns
- Achieving draws when having a disadvantage in material
- Methods of defending against an attack
- Advanced tactical elements (breaking communication, deflection, decoy, etc.)
- Analysis of most common pawn ending positions

- Illustration of all above in the games of world champions and strong chess players.
- Solving chess problems and combinations on each topic studied during the lesson.
- Mandatory practical games between students with each other online and with chess programs followed by an analysis of these games during the next lesson
- Separate homework for each student 
   Chess Level 3      4/5    Su 11:40-12:25    N. M. Karakashyan      Prerequisites:
- at least 3-4 semesters of studying chess in School Plus or any other similar chess program

Description of program for this semester:
The course is focused on:
- A deeper analysis of various openings
- Best practices of attacks with combined tactical elements
- Strategical understanding of the middle game, analysis of weakness in positions
- Importance of in-between moves for the defense
- Advanced tactical elements (freeing the line for attack / freeing specific field, blockade, etc.)
- Analysis of endgames including rook ending, queen ending, bishop/knight ending

- Illustration of all above in the games of world champions and strong chess players.
- Solving chess problems and combinations on each topic studied during the lesson.
- Mandatory practical games between students with each other online and with chess programs followed by an analysis of these games during the next lesson
- Separate homework for each student 
   Math 4a      4/5    10:20-11:35 Su    Mary Marvin      Who may join Math 4 class at this time? The class will be helpful for a student currently in a 4th-grade math class in his regular school and whose parents want extra support in his or her math studies at this difficult time. Math 4 covers all material of a 4th grade class in a child’s regular school, including things he must know for the NJSLA test at the end of 4th Grade. At this point in the school year, kids should know about factors and multiples, place value to the hundred thousand and be pro&cient with long multiplication and division with 2 and 3-digit numbers, and with the basic operations of fractions, including addition and subtraction with different denominator; they should know the basics of decimals, including addition and subtraction, and how they relate to fractions, and know how to solve simple area and perimeter problems. Children should also have seen numerous word problems on these topics over the school year. All of the above will be reviewed throughout the rest of the semester, along with any new topics in the 4th grade math curriculum. At SchoolPlus, we believe that children are happiest and perform better on tests when they have a real understanding of the topic at hand, and not just superficial knowledge that comes from rote practice. We’ll use this period we now have, to make sure kids do understand these topics so that they can complete the math part of their school year successfully. 
   Math 5      5    11:40 -12:55 Su    Mary Marvin      Who may join Math 5 class at this time?

The class will be helpful for a student currently in a 5th grade math class in his/her regular school, and whose parents want extra support in his or her math studies at this difficult time.

Math 5 covers all material of a 5th grade class in a child’s regular school, including things he must know for the NJSLA test at the end of 5th Grade.

At this point in the school year, students should have an understanding of fractions and decimals to the stage of multiplication of both; they should have knowledge of the basics of percentage, ratio, more complex area and perimeter of rectangles, area of a triangle; simple volume problems, and reading line and bar graphs.

All of the above will be reviewed throughout the rest of the semester, along with any new topics in the 5th grade math curriculum.

At SchoolPlus we believe children perform better on tests when they have real understanding of the topic, not just superficial knowledge that comes from rote practice.

We’ll use this period of time we now have, to make sure kids really do understand these topics, so that they can complete the math part of their school year successfully. 
   Russian 4      2-4    1:15-2:30 Su    Julia Gordeeva      Для детей 2-4 класса, говорящих по-русски и умеющих читать. Основные направления учебной программы: расширение словарного запаса (антонимы, синонимы, ребусы) и связной устной речи, знакомство с произведениями детской литературы, дальнейшее развитие навыков чтения переход от чтения по слогам к беглому чтению, разучивание стихов, знакомство с основными правилами грамматики русского языка, связанными с развитием речи, по учебнику Рамзаевой «Русский язык 2 класс 1 часть», развитие навыков письма. 
   Russian 5/6A      5/6    10:05-11:35 Su    Julia Gordeeva      Для детей 5-6 класса, говорящих по-русски и умеющих читать.

Основные направления учебной программы: расширение словарного запаса (антонимы, синонимы, омонимы, ребусы) и связной устной речи, знакомство с произведениями современных авторов и классиков русской литературы, разучивание стихов, знакомство с основными правилами грамматики русского языка по учебнику «Русский без границ» (часть 1), развитие умения писать и печатать. 
   Russian 5/6B      5/6    11:40--1:10 Su    Julia Gordeeva      Для детей 5-6 класса, говорящих по-русски и умеющих читать.

Основные направления учебной программы: расширение словарного запаса (антонимы, синонимы, омонимы, ребусы) и связной устной речи, знакомство с произведениями современных авторов и классиков русской литературы, разучивание стихов, знакомство с основными правилами грамматики русского языка по учебнику «Русский без границ» (часть 2) развитие умения писать и печатать. 
   Art D      3-4    12:45-2:00    Dr. Larisa Tsvetkova      I am positive that each student has creative abilities and can be introduced to the artistic world.
Like in any discipline it just takes time and patience.
In our Art class we use pencils and markers, pastel and charcoal, watercolor and acrylic paint.
We use the Ipod as well to teach how to draw step-by-step.
We learn the important art definitions and styles, study how to draw animals and plants, transportation and people.
We create different types of artworks: still life, portrait and landscape.
Art History is a very important part of our Art class. We study World Art History as well as Russian Art History.
If you child likes to express his feelings he/she can enjoy taking Art class and have fun in a very educational and interesting process! 
   Math C      4    10:20-11:35    Zoya Koza.      This is a class for students who have mastered addition and subtraction of numbers to 100 using mental calculation strategies as well as vertical algorithm. In addition, students are expected to have mastered the multiplication facts and related to them division facts up to 10 x10. We will continue on with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, paying special attention to mental calculation as well as using place value concept (vertical algorithm) for numbers up to 1000.

Students will learn rules for mental (partial) multiplication and division. Students will also learn how to compare fractions by drawing ad dividing bars, circles and other shapes and defining them on the number line. Students will be introduced to several strategies for solving multi-step word problems such as model approach, guess and check, restate and replace strategy and supposition method. Students will compute the perimeters and areas of regular and composite shapes in various measurement units and define various shapes and angles. In addition, the teacher of this class is going to implement some challenging problems from various Math Olympiad level sources. These enrichment lessons will help students develop deep feeling and understanding of numbers. 
   Math D      5    11:45-1:00    Zoya Koza.      Fall 2019 Math D
This is a class for students who have thoroughly mastered addition/ subtraction of numbers to 1000 using vertical algorithm as well as using mental calculation strategies; have deep knowledge of place value; know multiplication table up to 12 and related division facts, can solve multi-step word problems and have developed clear understanding of equivalent fractions and geometry of angles and polygons. In addition, this class is for students who have developed visible thinking skills as well as process skills such as supposition, restate and replace methods and other strategies described in the Process Skills level 3, model and heuristic (experimental) approach to problem solving.
The goal of this class is: continuous implementation of strategies described above reaching the level 4 of the Singapore math system. Level 4 is compatible only with the grade 5 of common core as well as other higher-level mathematical thinking concepts.
Every month students will practice and take MOEM Olympiad test. 
   Russian BL      3-4    9:15-10:30    Dr. Larisa Tsvetkova      Speech and communication are priorities of the course.

STUDENTS (5-7 y.old)
Children with different levels of speaking and understanding of the Russian language.

1. Speech development
2. Communication and creating simple conversations
3. Russian Alphabet
4. Reading and writing
5. Hearing, analyzing

People, food, family, school, cloth, sport, friends, home, animals, etc.

M. Avery Soroka \"Russian for kids\" 
   Architecture4Kids 2      3-6    11:30- 12:15    Greg Gurevich      Spring\'20

This STEM-oriented class is intended to challenge the students\' imagination while applying a logical thought process to their creativity through hands-on projects. The emphasis will be on 3-dimensional thinking to create solutions to various problems. Students will continue to learn architectural drafting and model-making using various materials such as wood, foam core, cardboard, and strings, among others. Students will also learn about some famous architects and projects and why they are significant. Some of projects we intend to do in class include building a basic structural frame of a building, an origami building, and a suspension bridge. 
   Chess B      mixed    10:40 -- 11:25    Scott Chaiet      Spring\'20

In the intermediate class we will learn more advanced combinations and strategies. The four basic checkmates will be studied. Opening theory will be discussed with examples from the games of Paul Morphy, Jose Capablanca , Alexander Alekhine and more. 
   Chess C      mixed    11:30 -12:15    Scott Chaiet      Spring\'20

This​ class will learn all the principles of classical chess. Hypermodern chess ideas will be looked at. The interaction of strategy and tactics will be considered as this will take the student to the next level. The student will have to bring in their games, and they will be reviewed. This area is most important to analyze their own games critically. 
   Chess D      mixed    12:20 -1:05    Scott Chaiet      Spring\'20

In the intermediate class we will learn more advanced combinations and strategies. The four basic checkmates will be studied. Opening theory will be discussed with examples from the games of Paul Morphy, Jose Capablanca , Alexander Alekhine and more. 
   English 4      4-5    9:00 - 9:45    Aidan O Connor      Spring\'20

The goal of this 4th grade ELA class is to not only improve students’ ELA skills in the short term, but also introduce strong reading strategies and habits that will help students’ skills improve for years to come. The goal is also to ensure students perform to the best of their abilities on the State Exam.

Each student will finish the course with a reliable and well-developed foundation to build off in the ELA subject area. The course will tackle fiction reading, non-fiction reading, figurative language, active reading, a few ELA test-taking strategies, basic grammar, analyzing text and more. The class will also provide test prep for the 4th grade NY State Exams. Scores on these exams can be very important for students looking to gain acceptance to new Middle Schools.

Much of class and homework will involve reading and responding to text (age and grade appropriate material). Digesting complex text is an invaluable skill in both high school and college. Building strong focus and mental stamina at this age will benefit your child immensely in the years to come.

The course will focus mostly on reading comprehension and writing with a very small amount of grammar.

Students can expect 30 minutes to 1 hour of homework each week. 
   Math 4B Std      4    10:40 -12:10    Valentina Bardakov      Spring\'20

Please click on the link below to review the content of the textbook:

Primary Mathematics Textbook 4B STD 
   Math 4B Std-1      4    10:40 - 12:10    Edward Moubarak      Spring\'20

Please click the link below to review the content of the textbook:

Praimary Mathematics Textbook 4B STD 
   Math 5B Std      5    10:40 -- 12:10    Liudmila Bakunets      Spring\'20

Please click on the link below to review the content of the textbook:

Primary Mathematics Textbook 5B 
   Math 5B-1 Std      5    12:20 -- 1:50    Svetlana Fadeeva      Spring\'20

Please click the link below to review the topics to be covered:

Primary Mathematics Textbook 5B STD 
   Russian 3/4      4-5    9:50 - 10:35    Nadezhda Zhavoronkina      Spring\'20

This course is designed to improve reading and writing skills.
Students will practice writing dictations, as well as their own short
sentences in a cohesive and rhythmic manner.. Exercises are tailored to
achieve the proper use of vocabulary, such as identifying and explaining
the meaning of objects, attributes, and actions. Students will gain
knowledge of interrogative, exclamatory and affirmative sentences and
strengthen reading comprehension and memory skills.

In terms of speaking skills, interactive exercises will focus on
coherent expression and formulating answers to questions. Students will
recite short stories, and enhance their speech with various details.

Reading will familiarize students with various literary genres,
including poetry and prose from classical and contemporary Russian
authors, such as Sasha Chorny, “ Kashtanka”, by A. Chekhov, \"Rainbow-Flower by Valentin Kataev to name a few. 
   Russian 4/5      4-6    10:40 -- 11:25    Nadezhda Zhavoronkina      Spring\'20

This course is designed for third-grade students with a solid
foundation of Russian. The course aims to increase students\' reading and
speaking proficiency to the level of (at least) an advanced beginner.

Our children will do a detailed, selective, and concise
paraphrasing of a text, а reading report.
A reading report that is logically consistent and accurate with respect
to the original text.

This semester we will continue to develop independent writing skills
through dictation exercises. Individual and team work will be a key to
advancing students\' oral communication skills.

Reading includes pieces:
“A Naughty Boy”, ”Oysters” by A. Chekhov , “Мystery of the Third Planet\" by Kir Bulychev and others. 
   Russian_as_Second_Language 1      3-4    9:50 -- 10:35    Marina Izrailova      Spring\'20

This course designed for 9-10 years old children, who were exposed to the Russian Language in their families, but do not speak Russian fluently. It includes reviewing Russian pronunciation and intonation, a systematic review of grammar, increasing vocabulary, and developing fluency in different conversational situations, which will further develop the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking with an emphasis on communicative competence.

We will concentrate on developing cursory reading skills and building interest in reading.
Students will be assigned appropriate homework, which includes reading short stories, writing, answering questions, learning basic rules, doing simple grammar exercises, listening recorded fairy tales and memorizing pieces of poetry. We also, use of various types of authentic and culturally significant materials, such as proverbs, sayings, tongue-twisters, riddles, and poems. 
   Science 2      2-4    12:20 - 1:05    Valentina Bardakov      Spring\'20

This course is designed to inspire students’ interest and investigation in science.
It encourages students to ask more questions, think more critically, and generate innovative ideas. Students will explore and experience a variety of areas within the field of science through the use of reading, research, discussion, participation in group and individual projects.

Young scientists will have great opportunity to participate in the United States Crystal Growing Competition. With the support of Macmillan/McGraw-Hill resources; Interactive Textbook, Reading and Writing in Science, and Activity Lab Book students will develop content and conceptual knowledge across a number of scientific topics.

Course Content:

Electricity and Magnetism
Structure of Living Things
Plant Structure and Functions
Human Body Systems
Earth’s Water and Earth’s Weather
The Solar System
Types of Matter and Changes in Matter 
   Tests_preparation Hunter new      5    12:50 : 2:20    Aidan O Connor      Spring\'20

The course should only be taken by students who are planning on taking the exam in January 2021 and who want to get a head start on building the foundations necessary to succeed on the Hunter Entrance Exam. We will cover the three sections of the exam: Reading, Writing, and Math.

The Reading portion will include reading comprehension of high-level (~8th grade) fiction. It will mainly feature works from the turn of the 20th century. The writing will focus on writing a strong 5-paragraph personal essay within time constraints. The Math will focus on creative problem solving and cover a range of topics from basic algebra and geometry to probability and pattern recognition. The math will feature problems similar to those seen on statewide Math contests.

Since this course is for 5th graders, it will focus first on introducing all of these concepts before moving on to mastering them, which will take a significant amount of time and work. The course will be focused and serious with homework assigned each week that must be completed. Parents should make sure students enter the course with a serious commitment to it. Students should expect an hour of homework per week. 
   MetMuseum II Sat      3-7    4:00-5:10    Antonina Lifshits       
   MetMuseum Sat II A      3 - 7    5:30 - 6:45pm    Antonina Lifshits       
   MetMuseum Sunday IV      3-8    2:30pm    Antonina Lifshits       
   English 2      2    Mon 6:10-6:55    Dianela Firpo       
   Math 5A      5    Wed 4:35 - 5:35    Eugene Skrypkin      Primary Math Textbook
Primary Math Workbook
Primary Math Intensive Practice

Flow of the Math Class

Review of homework (10 minutes)
Teach new content (30 minutes). This includes:

A. Teach Content (Textbook)
B. Modeling (Workbook)
C. Guided Practice (Workbook)
D. Independent Practice (Workbook)
E. Application of skills in a higher
level (Intensive Practice 10 min.)
Copy homework - 10 minutes 
   Math math - 4      4 grade    TBD    Dr. Grigory Portnov       
   Math Math 5      5    9:00 - 10:00    Dr. Grigory Portnov      In this class we provide student to understand main concepts of using math in real life. We continue using Singapore Primary Mathematics Package for 4 and 5 grades. Topics that are additionally presented for this age level, such as : Set, Logic and Reasoning, and Probability, Express Methods of Computing, Different Numerical System, etc.

Topics included for 4th grade in Fall semester:
Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Tables and Graphs
Perpendicular and Parallel Lines
Area and Perimeter
Topics included for 4th grade in Spring semester:
The Four Operations with Decimals

In this class we provide student to understand main concepts of using math in real life. The main topics for
5th grade :
Wholes numbers with 3 or 4 digits. Order of Operations
Common Fractions. Comparing Fractions
Decimals, it properties, and operations. Conversion of Measurements.
Percentage and all types of percentage problems
Average and Rates Problems
Graphs. Reading, drawing and understanding
Triangles and 4-sided Figures
Introduction into 2D and 3D space. Measurement of area, volume

A variety of Word Problem

Still we use Fun and Games formats and computers 
   Art 1A          Sun 9:25-10:25    Dr. Larisa Tsvetkova      I am positive that each student has creative abilities and can be introduced to the artistic world.
Like in any discipline it just takes time and patience.
In our Art class we use pencils and markers, pastel and charcoal, watercolor and acrylic paint.
We use the Ipod as well to teach how to draw step-by-step.
We learn the important art definitions and styles, study how to draw animals and plants, transportation and people.
We create different types of artworks: still life, portrait and landscape.
Art History is a very important part of our Art class. We study World Art History as well as Russian Art History.
If you child likes to express his feelings he/she can enjoy taking Art class and have fun in a very educational and interesting process! 
   Art D      D    Sat 12:45-2:00    Dr. Larisa Tsvetkova      I am positive that each student has creative abilities and can be introduced to the artistic world.
Like in any discipline it just takes time and patience.
In our Art class we use pencils and markers, pastel and charcoal, watercolor and acrylic paint.
We use the Ipod as well to teach how to draw step-by-step.
We learn the important art definitions and styles, study how to draw animals and plants, transportation and people.
We create different types of artworks: still life, portrait and landscape.
Art History is a very important part of our Art class. We study World Art History as well as Russian Art History.
If you child likes to express his feelings he/she can enjoy taking Art class and have fun in a very educational and interesting process! 
   Chess Level 2          Sun 10:25-11:10    N. M. Karakashyan      Prerequisites:
- at least 1-2 semesters of studying chess in School Plus or any other similar chess program

Description of program for this semester:
The course focuses on:
- The principles of various openings
- Best practices of attacks and checkmating patterns
- Achieving draws when having a disadvantage in material
- Methods of defending against an attack
- Advanced tactical elements (breaking communication, deflection, decoy, etc.)
- Analysis of most common pawn ending positions

- Illustration of all above in the games of world champions and strong chess players.
- Solving chess problems and combinations on each topic studied during the lesson.
- Mandatory practical games between students with each other online and with chess programs followed by an analysis of these games during the next lesson
- Separate homework for each student 
   Chess Level 3      4/5    Sun 11:40-12:25    N. M. Karakashyan      Prerequisites:
- at least 3-4 semesters of studying chess in School Plus or any other similar chess program

Description of program for this semester:
The course is focused on:
- A deeper analysis of various openings
- Best practices of attacks with combined tactical elements
- Strategical understanding of the middle game, analysis of weakness in positions
- Importance of in-between moves for the defense
- Advanced tactical elements (freeing the line for attack / freeing specific field, blockade, etc.)
- Analysis of endgames including rook ending, queen ending, bishop/knight ending

- Illustration of all above in the games of world champions and strong chess players.
- Solving chess problems and combinations on each topic studied during the lesson.
- Mandatory practical games between students with each other online and with chess programs followed by an analysis of these games during the next lesson
- Separate homework for each student 
   English 3/4      3/4    Mo 3:45-4:45    Elizabeth Breau      Animal Stories and Nature: (grades 3-4)

In this class, we will read a variety of fables, folk tales, fairy tales, and book-length stories about animals to see what they have to teach us about ourselves and how we should act in the world. We will supplement our reading by exploring how animals act in the wild and how we can help to protect them in a time of global climate change.

The class will use a combination of online and print sources. Students will be asked to read, discuss, write, and complete activities about the stories and what they can teach us.

Possible Texts Include:

Anansi Stories

Brer Rabbit

Aesop’s Fables
The Incredible Journey (to order)

Old Yeller (to order)

The Black Stallion (to order) 
   Geography 3/4      3/4    Mo 5:00-6:00    Roman Kharchuk       
   Math 4a      4/5    Su 10:20-11:35    Mary Marvin      Who may join Math 4 class at this time? The class will be helpful for a student currently in a 4th-grade math class in his regular school and whose parents want extra support in his or her math studies at this difficult time. Math 4 covers all material of a 4th grade class in a child’s regular school, including things he must know for the NJSLA test at the end of 4th Grade. At this point in the school year, kids should know about factors and multiples, place value to the hundred thousand and be pro&cient with long multiplication and division with 2 and 3-digit numbers, and with the basic operations of fractions, including addition and subtraction with different denominator; they should know the basics of decimals, including addition and subtraction, and how they relate to fractions, and know how to solve simple area and perimeter problems. Children should also have seen numerous word problems on these topics over the school year. All of the above will be reviewed throughout the rest of the semester, along with any new topics in the 4th grade math curriculum. At SchoolPlus, we believe that children are happiest and perform better on tests when they have a real understanding of the topic at hand, and not just superficial knowledge that comes from rote practice. We’ll use this period we now have, to make sure kids do understand these topics so that they can complete the math part of their school year successfully. 
   Math 5      5    Su 11:40-12:55    Mary Marvin      Who may join Math 5 class at this time?

The class will be helpful for a student currently in a 5th grade math class in his/her regular school, and whose parents want extra support in his or her math studies at this difficult time.

Math 5 covers all material of a 5th grade class in a child’s regular school, including things he must know for the NJSLA test at the end of 5th Grade.

At this point in the school year, students should have an understanding of fractions and decimals to the stage of multiplication of both; they should have knowledge of the basics of percentage, ratio, more complex area and perimeter of rectangles, area of a triangle; simple volume problems, and reading line and bar graphs.

All of the above will be reviewed throughout the rest of the semester, along with any new topics in the 5th grade math curriculum.

At SchoolPlus we believe children perform better on tests when they have real understanding of the topic, not just superficial knowledge that comes from rote practice.

We’ll use this period of time we now have, to make sure kids really do understand these topics, so that they can complete the math part of their school year successfully. 
   Math D      D    Sat 11:45-1:00    Zoya Koza.      This is a class for students who have thoroughly mastered addition/ subtraction of numbers to 1000 using vertical algorithm as well as using mental calculation strategies; have deep knowledge of place value; know multiplication table up to 12 and related division facts, can solve multi-step word problems and have developed clear understanding of equivalent fractions and geometry of angles and polygons. In addition, this class is for students who have developed visible thinking skills as well as process skills such as supposition, restate and replace methods and other strategies described in the Process Skills level 3, model and heuristic (experimental) approach to problem solving.
The goal of this class is: continuous implementation of strategies described above reaching the level 4 of the Singapore math system. Level 4 is compatible only with the grade 5 of common core as well as other higher-level mathematical thinking concepts.
Every month students will practice and take MOEM Olympiad test. 
   Math VC Math 5A          Wed 7:00-8:00    Mary Marvin       
   Math VC Math 5B          Sat 11:10-12:10    Mary Marvin       
   Physics 3/4 gr          We 5:00-6:00    Irene Ning       
   Russian 4      2-4    Sun 1:15-2:30    Julia Gordeeva      Для детей 2-4 класса, говорящих по-русски и умеющих читать. Основные направления учебной программы: расширение словарного запаса (антонимы, синонимы, ребусы) и связной устной речи, знакомство с произведениями детской литературы, дальнейшее развитие навыков чтения переход от чтения по слогам к беглому чтению, разучивание стихов, знакомство с основными правилами грамматики русского языка, связанными с развитием речи, по учебнику Рамзаевой «Русский язык 2 класс 1 часть», развитие навыков письма. 
   Russian 5/6A      5/6    Su 10:05-11:35    Julia Gordeeva      Для детей 5-6 класса, говорящих по-русски и умеющих читать.

Основные направления учебной программы: расширение словарного запаса (антонимы, синонимы, омонимы, ребусы) и связной устной речи, знакомство с произведениями современных авторов и классиков русской литературы, разучивание стихов, знакомство с основными правилами грамматики русского языка по учебнику «Русский без границ» (часть 1), развитие умения писать и печатать. 
   Russian 5/6B      5/6    Su 11:40-1:10    Julia Gordeeva      Для детей 5-6 класса, говорящих по-русски и умеющих читать.

Основные направления учебной программы: расширение словарного запаса (антонимы, синонимы, омонимы, ребусы) и связной устной речи, знакомство с произведениями современных авторов и классиков русской литературы, разучивание стихов, знакомство с основными правилами грамматики русского языка по учебнику «Русский без границ» (часть 2) развитие умения писать и печатать. 
   Summer_Program Math 7 Orl      4    Su 10:30-11:30    n/a     


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