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CLASS Creative_Writing I (MORA)
GRADE 3 -5
TEACHER Holly Woodward  
TIME Mon, 4-5pm
Subject Creative_Writing

Adventures in Inventing Ourselves

A subway poster in NYC says, “As a student, Einstein was no Einstein.” He had to discover his particular genius, which meant finding his passion and arranging his life so he could pursue it. The world has not been designed to discover, understand and nourish each individual’s unique gifts. This workshop is.

This project is an exploration of what resonates for students, and their own natures, talents and ambitions. We see how those three must be connected to achieve success.

Each student chooses to research a different discoverer from history and science,focusing on the drama of a breakthrough moment, which they try to convey through a presentation or through a journal they create, pretending they are witnessing the discovery. If time permits, we can embellish the journals with old-fashioned touches and drawings.

A key element of this class involves students learning to use, as a mental toolbox for lifetime learning, various brainstorming techniques of top think tanks at IBM and Google.
The aim will be self-exploration and articulation.

An easy tie-in is a show or reading on one of the great discoverers, or a field trip to Liberty Science Center or the Edison center.
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