Important announcements

CLASS Math 5ab
GRADE 4 gr
TIME 12:30-2:05
LOCATION New Jersey (Teaneck, NB, Wayne)  
ROOM 573
TEXTBOOKS PM textbook and workbook 5A
Challenging Word problem 5
Subject Math
PROGRAM This is a class for students who have deep understanding of foundations of number system, and can work comfortably with whole numbers, including addition, subtraction as well as multiplication by two-digit number, division by a one-digit number, have good understanding of fractions and decimals,

including addition and subtraction of fractions with different denominators.

We will continue with multiplication and division of whole numbers, order of operations, with multiplication of mixed numbers, multiplication and division of decimals, percentage and the connection of percent-fraction-decimals, harder word problems involving especially fractions as a part of a whole. Geometry moves to the different parts of geometric objects such as angles, focusing especially on properties of a triangle, perpendicular and parallel lines and solid figures.

In addition, every month, starting from November to March, students will participate in math competition - MOEMS.
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