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CLASS Math na 2
GRADE pre-k
TIME 11:35-12:20
LOCATION New Jersey (Teaneck, NB, Wayne)  
ROOM 714
Subject Math
PROGRAM Math Kindergarten Program
Numbers and Counting
• Recognize and write numbers (anywhere from 0-100)
• Count to 100 by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s
• Count backwards from 100

Sorting and Classifying

• Create sets and sometimes label them with the correct numeral
• Sort and classify objects using one or more attributes such as position, shape, size, color, number of corners, etc.
• Identify half versus whole
• Separate whole to parts and back to whole.

Shapes and Graphs

• Recognize the geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, rhombus, pentagon, hexagon, octagon)
• Identify, copy, create and extend patterns of the objects
• Make and interpret graphs

Measuring and Comparing

• Use nonstandard objects, such as pencils, blocks, and hands, to measure length, volume, and weight
• Compare quantities by estimating, weighing, and measuring
• Compare measurements and correctly use the terms shorter, longer, taller, heavier, warmer, more, less, etc.
• Demonstrate understanding of positional relationships (above, below, more, less, top, bottom, before, after, middle, left, right)

Time and Money

• Identify coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
• Count coins
• Tell time to the nearest hour
• Recite the days of the week and months of the year in order

Adding and Subtracting

• Add and subtract to and from 20 mentally
• Do addition and subtraction problems to 100 using Number Line and 100 Chart.
Solving> Mathematical Problems, Puzzles, Logical Questions
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